An Argument Against the Slow Cooker

We recently had a Chili Cook-Off at my office and I decided to use this opportunity to pass on some of what I’ve been learning about cooking to one of my young airmen. This started with the rest of my office extolling the mainstay of any home cook’s arsenal: the mighty slow cooker. He had … Continue reading An Argument Against the Slow Cooker

Listen to Your Food: Some of My Favorite Food Podcasts

I’m writing this post sitting in Terminal 2E of Charles De Gaulle airport. What better time to catch up on some writing and research then when you’re delayed at Charles De Gaulle Airport for 6 hours. I’ve been meaning to write this post for a little bit, and when life gives you lemons… well you … Continue reading Listen to Your Food: Some of My Favorite Food Podcasts

A Practical Guide To the Economics of Chicken

Chicken economics.... Chickenomics? Anyways, I recently came to the realization that I’ve been wasting money all these years. My meals during the week consist of a lot of grilled chicken breasts.... All the grilled chicken breasts. One day I went to the grocery store to refill my chicken cache and they were out of breast … Continue reading A Practical Guide To the Economics of Chicken

Coffee: The New Superfood?-Intro

Recently coffee drinkers found that their daily habit might not be so bad for them. In fact, the USDA Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, linked moderate consumption to a couple health benefits. What’s moderate? According to the USDA, you’re looking at 3-5 cups a day. This corresponds to approximately 400 mg … Continue reading Coffee: The New Superfood?-Intro

A Call to Arms in the Fight Against Malnutrition

The Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems released a new set of recommendations recently and is presenting the alarming findings to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. “Alarming” is in fact an understatement. Here’s some highlights from the 133 page “Food systems and diets: Facing the Challenges of the 21st Century”. There are 3 … Continue reading A Call to Arms in the Fight Against Malnutrition